Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tips to avoid the Lower Back Pain

Pain in lower back portion of your body is a complaint faced by more than half the people around the world. The pain in your lower back will be gradually increasing over a period of time and there are various reason with which you can get it. But still you can avoid getting into this trouble by taking some precautionary measures.

The main reason one get the back pain is due to lifting heavy weights. It is not that you are not supposed to lift weight but there is a posture in which you should lift it. For example, it is not the right one to bend forward and lift the weight, because the lower back portion is the one place where it will receives a lot of pressure and stress which leads to the back pain. The right posture is to bend your knee first and then squat to lift the object. Once the weight is lifted then always try to keep your back straight and hold the object close to your body. Never ever try to twist the body when you are lifting the weight.

As it is, said that a large amount of the back pain is caused due to lifting of heavy objects. It is necessary that you need to be very careful while doing it. In case if you are planning to move an object than lifting it then try to push the object rather pulling it as it needs a lot of effort to do so and also will lessen the pressure in the lower back region.

Other than lifting an object or pushing it, sitting in a place for a long period is also another reason for getting the lower back pain. It is unavoidable in your work place as well as during long drives. In those cases, it is better try to take at least a minute of break from the routine and stretch for a while. Even though you might find it hard to find a break that single minute will also be a helpful one in relaxing your back.

One more thing which leads to the lower back pain is the shoes which you wear daily. The one with heels will give a lot of stress to your back and it is better to avoid wearing those with high heels when you are about to stand for a long time. The best solution and advice would be to wear flat shoes or at least try to wear shoe with heel for an inch or less than that.

Also you have to see on wearing shoes is, whether they have support inside your shoes or not. The shoes should have gel support or arches inside your shoes in order to have a support and soothing effect in case if you are going to stand for a long time.

The best medicine to prevent the lower back pain will be to do exercise regularly. We need to lead an active lifestyle or this might be the major reason for having severe lower back pain.

There are a lot of ways with which you can prevent the lower back pain. Thus prevention is better than cure and so as there are ways to prevent from getting lower back pain it is not necessary to worry much about the back pain

1 comment:

  1. Keeping your back healthy is the best way to prevent lower back pain. I am actually looking for post regarding back pain. Thanks for sharing those tips and keep on posting!
    pain management emr
